FAQs and contacts
Find answers to frequently asked questions and contact our Investor Relations team. We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have about investing in Standard Bank Group.
To prevent yourself from falling prey to such scams, it is always advisable to validate the authenticity of the offer by checking the registration of the individual selling you the shares, or contacting the company whose shares are being offered. If you are in any doubt, check with your own bank's fraud team before investing. For more helpful tips on protection against investment fraud, visit Computer Share.
If you suspect you or someone you know, may have recently fallen prey to investment scams, contact the transacting bank immediately to attempt to stop payments from being made.
Shareholders can ask questions relating to items on the meeting agenda, as well as general questions about Standard Bank and its activities. There may also be special issues to vote on.
Alternatively, you can nominate someone else to attend the meeting and vote for you as your proxy. If your shares are registered in someone else's name, they'll receive the proxy form.
Johannesburg Stock Exchange and A2X: SBK
Namibia Stock Exchange: SNB
You can also register to receive email updates of announcements via the following link The Vault.
You can get details of Standard Bank Group preference shares using the following link: Preference Share Documents
You can get details of Standard Bank Group preference share dividends declared using the following link: Dividends
Namibia: Transfer Secretaries (Proprietary) Limited
Please see contact details below.
Sat–Sun and public holidays, 12–4pm
Direct any questions about Standard Bank banking products to:
If you wish to buy or sell Standard Bank Group shares, please contact your stockbroker directly. If you don’t have a stockbroker, you could contact Standard Bank Stockbrokers to understand the services they provide.
Computershare Investor Services
Rosebank Towers
15 Biermann Avenue
PO Box:
Private Bag X9000
South Africa
Computershare Investor Services
4 Robert Mugabe Avenue
(Entrance in Burg Street)
PO Box:
Group Secretary
If you have any questions about Standard Bank Group governance-related matters, including Management, the Board of Directors and shareholder meetings
Head of Investor Relations
If you have any questions about the group’s strategy or financial performance
Marc Hearn
Head of Strategic Funding
If you have any questions about debt investments and any debt investor related queries

Find out about our share price and dividends, upcoming events, key shareholders, analyst coverage and our ADR programme.

The capital markets are an important source of funding for Standard Bank and are accessed via various platforms.